Clinical variables
1474 Clinical variables
1474 primary variables collected by the research team
Suggested keys:
Data Highlights:
Timepoint | Form name | Definition | Variable Name | Data Type | Variable Type |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | Visit Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) | VDT_SCR | Date | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | VISIT Time (in 24 hrs) | VTM_SCR | Time | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | Has the verbal informed consent forscreening beengiven? | ICF_SCR_V | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | If consent not given, specify reason | ICF_SCR_SPECV | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | Will you come to GCH for your regularfollow-up visits | FUP_GCH1 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | What is the date of your Last Menstrual Period | LMP | DATE | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | Isthe LMP:Givenby the | LMP_BY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | What is the calculated Period of Gestation (IN WEEKS) by LMP | POG_LMP_W | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | What is the calculated Period of Gestation (IN DAYS) by LMP | POG_LMP_D | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | IsthecalculatedPOG byLMP <20 weeks | POG_LMP_ELIG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | If LMP is not known, is the Participant likely to be <20 weeks as per clinical estimateof theobstetrician | POG_CLI_ELIG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | Has the written informed consent for screening beengiven | ICF_SCR_W | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | If consent not given, specify reason | ICF_SCR_SPECW | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | Is the Urine Pregnancy Testpositive | UPT_POS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | Has urine pregnancy testadvised at enrolment | UPT_ADV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | Is the criteria (responses to Qs 1, 2, 3.3/4,5) forinitial screeningfulfilled | SCR_CRT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Screening Form | Has the scheduled date for 1st USG given?\n | USG_DT1 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20weeks | Screen Failure | Visit Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) | VDT | Date | Continuous |
<20weeks | Screen Failure | VISIT Time (in 24 hrs) | VTM | Time | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Screen Failure | Is/was the participant a screen failure? | SCR_FAIL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Screen Failure | What was the reason for screen failure? | REAS_FAIL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Screen Failure | 2.1 If reason for screen failure is other(=16), please specify | REAS_FAIL_OTH | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Identification Form | Age in years | derived_age_approx_age | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Visit Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) | VDT_ENR | DATE | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Time in 24 hrs | VTM_ENR | TIME | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Is the pregnancy confirmed | PREG_CON | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Is the current pregnancy uterine, as confirmed by USG? | PREG_UTR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | If the current pregnancy is uterine then is it non molar | PREG_UTR_NM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | If the current pregnancy is uterine then is it a heterotopic pregnancy | PREG_UTR_HTR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Is the current Period of Gestation (POG) < 20 weeks as confirmed by USG? | POG_USG_ELIG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Period of Gestation (POG) as estimated by USG in weeks | PREG_USG_W | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Period of Gestation (POG) as estimated by USG in days. | PREG_USG_D | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Has the Participant agreed to come to \nGCH for regular follow up? | FUP_GCH2 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Has the informed consent for enrolment \nbeen obtained? | ICF_ENR_W | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | If informed consent not obtained, \nspecify reason | ICF_ENR_SPECW | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Has the criteria for enrolment been \nfulfilled? | ENR_CRT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Is the eligible participant enrolled for the study | ELIG_ENR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | If yes, what is the enrolment number | ENRID | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | Was UPT advised at screening | RPTUPT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | \n12 If yes, was advised UPT positive? | RPT_UPT_POS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Enrolment form | If the current pregnancy is not uterine then is it an ectopic pregnancy? | PREG_UTR_ECT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | Visit Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) | VDT_DEMO | DATE | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | Time in 24 hrs | VTM_DEMO | TIME | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is your country of origin\n | COUNTRY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | If Others, please specify name of country | COUN_OTH_S_P | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | If India, what is your state of origin | STATE | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What religion do you follow | RLGN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | If Other please specify | RLGN_OTH_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What kind of family do you live in | FMLY_TYP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | Who is the head of yourhousehold? | HEAD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | Whatis the education level of headof household | HEAD_EDU | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is the current occupation of head of \nhousehold | HEAD_OCC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is your present status regarding marriage | STAT_MRG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | Whatis the education level of your husband | HUS_EDU | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is the total no. of years of schooling / \neducation of your husband | HUS_EDU_YRS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is your (level of) education | PART_EDU | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What are your total years of completed \nschooling/education | PART_EDU_YRS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is your (level of) occupation | PART_OCC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | If you are working, what is the exact nature \nof work (occupation) | NTR_WRK | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | How many working hours do you have in a \nweek? | WRKHR_WK | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is the total number of family members in \nyour family | FMLY_MEM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is your total family income per month (In \nRs. | FMLY_INC | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | Per capita Income of this family (Rs per month) \n(CALCULATED) | FMLY_INC_PC | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is the type of house you live in? | TPY_HOUSE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | How many total no. of windows are there in your house | WIN_NO | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | Do you have aseparate kitchen | SEP_KIT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | Do you have anelectricity connection? | ELEC_CONN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is the type of fuel used for cooking in your household | FUEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | If fuel used is other(=20) please \nspecify | FUEL_OTH_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | If fuel used is a combination of more \nthan one fuel (=21) please specify | FUEL_COMB_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is the source of drinking water for \nmembers of your household | DRNK_WTR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | If source of drinking water is other \n(=21) please specify | DRNK_WTR_OTH_H_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | If source of drinking water is a \ncombination of more than one source \n(=22) please specify | DRNK_WTR_COMB_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What kind of toilet facility do you usually use? | TOILET | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | If kind of toilet facility used is \nother(=16) please specify | TOILET_OTH_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | What is the total no. of rooms used for sleeping \nin the house? | TOT_ROOM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | Overcrowdingpresent? | OVR_CRD_PRES | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | SES Class as per BG Prasad scale (Derived) | SES_BGPS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Demographic Form | SES Class as per Modified Kuppuswamy scale (derived) | SES_MKS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Visit Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) | VDT_ENR_CD | DATE | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Time in 24 hrs | VTM_ENR_CD | TIME | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many times have you been pregnant \nin your life (including the current \npregnancy) | PREG_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many live births have you had | LB_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Is there any history of abortions in \nthe past? | ABOR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes, how many abortions have you \nhad | ABOR_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were any of your babies not born alive | BABI_BORN_ALIV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes, how many of your babies \nwere not born alive? | BABI_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you had pregnancies with \nmultiple births | MULTI_BRTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes, how many pregnancies have \nyou had with multiple births | MULTI_BRTH_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many Caesarean sections have you \nhad | CSEC_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many instrumental deliveries have \nyou had | INSTRU_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many home deliveries have you \nhad | HOMED_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many living children do you have | CHILD_LIV_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | What is the interval (in months) \nbetween your previous pregnancy outcome\nand last menstrual period for the current \npregnancy | INTRVL_LST_DEL | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | What is the interval (in months) \nbetween your marriage and first \nconception | INTRVL_MAR_FIRST | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Are you married within the family \nor Òextended familyÓ | MAR_FMLY_EXTN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes, are you related by blood \nwith your spouse | RELAT_BLD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you conceive spontaneously or \nrequired assistance | CNCV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If assisted, what was the method \nof assistance used? | ASST_CNCV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If q 1.14.1=14/15,please specify | ASST_OTH_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you use any contraception before \nthe current pregnancy | CONTR_BCP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes, what was the method of \ncontraception used | ME_COUNTR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If q1.15.1=14/15, specify | ME_COUNTR_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you been breastfeeding in the 2 \nmonths prior to this pregnancy? | BRFEED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were you born before 37 completed weeks of gestation? | PART_BORN_PTB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Was your husband born before 37 \ncompleted weeks of gestation | HUS_BORN_PTB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were any of your brothers/sisters \nborn before 37 completed weeks of \ngestation? | BRO_SIS_BORN_POG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many brothers were born \npreterm? | BRO_BORN_PTB_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many sisters were born \npreterm? | SIS_BORN_PTB_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were any of your husbandÕs \nbrother/sister born before 37 completed \nweeks of gestation | HBRO_BORN_PTB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many brothers were born preterm | HBRO_BORN_PTB_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many sisters were born preterm | HSIS_BORN_PTB_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were any of your children born before 37 \ncompleted weeks of gestation? | CHLD_BORN_PTB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many of your children were born \npreterm | CHLD_BORN_PTB_NUM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have bleeding from the \nvagina | BLED_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Was the bleeding associated with \nabdominal pain | BLDVAG_ABDN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did the bleeding last for longer than one \nday? | BLDVAG_TM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did the bleeding wet your clothes, the \nbed or floor | BLDVAG_WTCLOTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Was the blood bright red or dark red? | BLDVAG_RED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you lose consciousness because \nof bleeding? | BLDVAG_UNCONS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Do/did you have any discharge from the\nvagina? | DISC_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | For how long have you had the \ndischarge? | DISVAG_DAYS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Odour | DISVAG_ODR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Abdominal pain | DISVAG_ABDPN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Itching | DISVAG_ITCH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Soreness | DISVAG_SORE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Pain on passing urine | DISVAG_PN_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Fever | DISVAG_FVR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | What was the appearance of the \ndischarge | DISVAG_APP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you had sexual contact after \nconception | SEX_AFT_CON | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes-when did you last have sexual \ncontact? | LAST_SEX | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Is there history of fever? | FVR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Was/Is the fever \ndocumented | FVRDOC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | For how long did/do you have the \nfever? (in days) | FVRD | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you had rash anywhere on \nyour body? | RASH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes for how long did/do you have \nthe rash? (in days) | RASHD | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you had \ncough?( | COUGH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes for how long did/do you have \nthe cough? (in days) | COUGHD | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you had diarrhoea (i.e. more \nfrequent or liquid stools than usual) | DIARR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes for how long did/do you have \ndiarrhea? (in days) | DIARRD | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you had bleeding from \ngums | BLD_GUMS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes for how long did/do you have \nbleeding from the gums? (in days) | BLD_GUMSD | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Has there been any burning during \npassage of urine | BURN_URIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Has there been an increase in the\nfrequency of urination? | FREQ_URIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Has there been any change in the\namount of urine you pass \ndaily | AMNT_URIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Has there been presence of blood in\nthe urine? | BLOOD_URIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Has there been a sudden urge to pass\nurine with pain in lower \nabdomen? | URGE_URIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have there been chills/sweats \nassociated with the urinary \nsymptoms? | URISYM_CHILLS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If you had any of the above urinary \nsymptoms (2.9-2.14) for how long did/do \nyou have them (in days)\nNote the longest duration of symptoms | URISYM_D | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you/anyone in the family noticed \nyellowish discolouration of your eyes? | YLW_EYE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes how long has this \ndiscoloration been? (in days) | YLWEYE_D | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you receive antenatal care for all, \nsome or none of your previous \npregnancies | ANC_PRV_PRG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | .Do you have any medical records \navailable for your previous \npregnancies | DOC_PRV_PRG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Antepartum Haemorrhage | ANT_HAC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Gestational Hypertension | GEST_HTN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Preclampsia | PRCLM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Eclampsia | ECLM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Gestational Diabetes Mellitus | GEST_DM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Others | AP_COMP_OTHR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | 6.1 If others, specife | AP_COMP_OTHR_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have swelling on your \nwhole body? | SWLBD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have swelling on your \nface | SWLFC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have swelling on your \nhands | SWLHND | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have swelling on your \nankles? | SWLANK | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have swelling on any \nother joints? | SWLJNT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If you have had swelling anywhere \nelse in the body please specify | SWLSP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If you have history of swelling any \nwhere in the body, for how long did you \nhave the swelling? (in days)\nNote the longest duration of symptoms\n | SWLD | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have blurring of \nvision?. | BLUR_VIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes for how long did you \nhave the blurring of vision? (in days) | BLURVIS_D | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have severe \nheadache? | HEADACHE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes for how long? (in days) | HEADACHE_D | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have \nconvulsions? | CONVUL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes, for how long have you \nhad convulsions? (in days) | CONVUL_D | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you ever become \nunconscious because of\ntheconvulsions? | UNSCONVUL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have blood in \nvomitus? | BLD_VOM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes for how long? (in days) | BLDVOM_D | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were you told by doctor that you \nhad high blood pressure? | HIGH_BP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you seek care for any of \nyour problems? | SEEK_CARE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes where do you usually\nseek medical care | SEEK_PLC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | please specify details | SECSP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If more than one hospital, \nplease specify | SECSP1 | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Prolonged labour | PRLBR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Difficult labour | DIFLBR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Pre labour rupture of membranes \n(PROM) (membranes ruptured before \nlabour started > 37 weeks POG) | PROM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Preterm prelabour rupture of \nmembranes (pPROM) (membranes \nruptured before labour < 37 weeks POG) | PPROM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were there other complications? | IP_COMP_OTHR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If others, specify | IP_COMP_OTHR_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were you in labour for unusally long \ni.e. more than 24 hrs? | LBR_LONG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did your water bag break more than \n24 hrs before start of labour pain in any \nof your previous term delivery (³ 37 \nweeks of POG)\n | PPROM_LNG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did your water bag break more than \n24 hrs before labour pains started in any \nof your previous pre term delivery (< 37 \nweeks of POG)?\n | WRTBG_LNG_PTB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Puerperal sepsis | PUER_SEP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Post-Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) | PPH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were there other complications? | PP_COMP_OTHR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If others, specify | PP_COMP_OTHR_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have severe/excessive \nbleeding after delivery | BLED_AFTR_DEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have fever after delivery? | FVRT_DEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes, did the fever last for >1 day | FVRT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you pass smelly discharge / pus \nfrom vagina?\n | SML_DISC_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Is there documented evidence of Rh \nincompatibility? | RH_INCOM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Malaria | MLR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Dengue Fever | DBGU_FVR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Acute Gastroenteritis | ACT_GASTRO | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Tuberculosis | TB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | TORCH complex of Infections | TORCH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Specify which TORCH infection | TORCHSP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Varicella zoster (Chicken Pox) | VAR_ZOS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Upper Respiratory Tract Infection | URTI | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Lower Respiratory Tract Infection | LRTI | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Urinary Tract Infection | UTI | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | HIV | HIV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Periodontal Disease | PRDNTL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Bacterial Vaginosis | BCTRL_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Hepatitis | HEP_TIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Specify the type of hepatitis | HPTISSP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Rheumativc fever | RHFVR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Others | ACU_INF_OTHER | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | 7.15.1 If others, specify | ACU_INF_OTHER_SP | CHAR | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Hypertension | HTN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Diabetes | DIAB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Hypothyroidism | HYPOTHY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Hyperthyroidism | HYPRTHY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Anemia | ANAMEIA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Asthma | ASTHMA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Cardiac disorders | VAL_HRT_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Malignancy | MLGNCY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Epilepsy | EPLSY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Autoimmune disorders | AUTOIMM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Others | CHRO_COND_OTHR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If others, specify | CHRO_COND_OTHR_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Depressive disorders | DEPDIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Anxiety disorders | ANXDIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Stress disorder | STRDIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Others | PSYC_ILL_OTHR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If others specify | PSYC_ILL_OTHR_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Myomectomy | MYOM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Cone biopsy | CONBIO | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Loop excision (LEEP) | LEEP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Removal of septum | REM_SP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Cervical cerclage | CERV_CERC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Others | SURG_OTHR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If others specify | SURG_OTHR_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you suffered from any injury or \naccident during your current \npregnancy | ACCIDENT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you ever received blood \ntransfusion | BLTRANS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Is there any documented evidence \nof blood transfusion | BLTRANSDOC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | What best describes your smoking \nhistory | SMOK_HIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many years have you or \ndid you smoke | SMOK_YRS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Which of these types of \ntobacco you smoke? | TOB_TYP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Please specify other | TOB_TYP_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many times do you \nsmoke in a day? | SMOK_DAY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Do you live with people in an \nenclosed compound/room who smoke \nin your presence? | SMOKE_PRS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Have you ever sniffed/chewed \ntobacco | TOB_CHEW | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How many times do you chew \ntobacco in a day? | TOB_CHEW_DAY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Do you drink alcohol? | ALCH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Which type of alcohol do you \nconsume?\n | ALCH_TYP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | specify type of alcohol | ALCH_TYP_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | On average, how much amount of \nalcohol per week have you had?(ml) | ALCH_AMT_WK | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Do you have any other \naddiction/habit of any substance \nabuse? | OTH_ADD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes, specify | OTH_ADD_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Does your mother have \ndiabetes? | MO_DIAB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Does your father have diabetes? | FA_DIAB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Weight at current antenatal visit(kg) | ANC_CUR_WT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Height (cm) | HGHT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Body Mass Index (BMI) | BMI | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | POG as assessed by fundal \nheight (by doing a clinical \nexamination) | FH_POG | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Abdominal girth (in cms taken \nat the umbilicus) | ABGIRCM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Abdominal girth (in inches\ntaken at the umbilicus) | ABGIRIN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | First measurement (cms) | SFH1 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Second measurement (cms) | SFH2 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Height (cm) | PHGHT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Weight (kg) | PWGHT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Body Mass Index (BMI) | PBMI | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Pulse (Beats/min) | PULSE | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Blood Pressure (mm/Hg) systolic | SBP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Blood Pressure (mm/Hg) Dystolic | DBP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Repeat BP after 6hrs (if \nthe first BP was >140/90) systolic | RPTSBP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Repeat BP after 6hrs (if \nthe first BP was >140/90) Dystolic | RPTDBP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Temperature (¡F) | TEMP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Pedal Edema | PED_EDEM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Pallor( | PALLOR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Icterus | ICTERUS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Cyanosis | CYANO | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Urine proteins | URN_PRT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Hemoglobin (gm%) | HEMGLO | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Is there a history of taking drug during current pregnancy? | HIS_DRG_PRG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Is there a history of receiving any vaccine during current pregnancy? | HIS_VACC_PRG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Is there any history of still birth? | BIRHS_11_13 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes, how many still births have you had? | BIRTHSN_11_13 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Is there any history of intrauterine deaths? ( | IUD_11_13 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | If yes, how many IUDs have you had? | IUDN_11_13 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | How much time before delivery of the baby did your labour pains start? | LBRST_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Did you have severe bleeding from the vagina? | BLED4_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were any of your brothers born before 37 completed weeks of gestation? | CMPFS_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were any of your sisters born before 37 completed weeks of gestation? | CMPPS_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were any of your husbandÕs brother born before 37 completed Weeks of gestation? | CMPMP_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Were any of your husbandÕs sisters born before 37 completed Weeks of gestation? | CMHS_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Rheumatic fever | RHFVR_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | S.No. | DRG_SN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Name of Drugs | DRG_NAME | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | DURATION(days) | DRG_DUR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | Ongoing | DRG_ONG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | MODE OF ADMINISTRATION | DRG_ADMIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | INDICATIONS | INDI | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | TOTAL DAILY DOSE | TOT_DOSE_DAY | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | S. No. | VACC_SN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | NAME OF VACCINES | VACC_NAME | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Clinical data at Enrolment | ADMINISTERED | VACC_ADMIN | DATE | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Visit Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) | VDT_ANN1 | DATE | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Time in 24 hrs | VTM_ANN1 | TIME | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Gravida | GRVD | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was your age when you delivered/did your pregnancy end | AGE_DEL | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | At how many weeks (period of gestation did you deliver /did your pregnancy end? \nInformation available from medical records\n | POG_DEL | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | If medical records are not available, then document by history | POG_DEL_HIS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Did you receive antenatal care during pregnancy? | ANC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the outcome of pregnancy? | PRG_OUTCM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Was it spontaneous or induced? | SPONT_IND | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the Method of induction | MTHD_IND | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the Reason for induction | RES_IND | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Did you perceive movements of the baby in the womb before labour pains / contractions started? | PER_MOV_WOMB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Minutes before labour | MNT_BEF_LAB | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Hours before labour | HR_BEF_LAB | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Days before labour | DAY_BEF_LAB | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Did the baby appear to be normal or unusually big? | BABY_APP_NOR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Was peeling of skin seen on the baby | PEEL_SKIN_BABY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Did the babyÕs head appear to be large | BABY_HEAD_LRG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Did the babyÕs had widely open mouth and eyes? | BABY_WID_MTH_EYE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the mode of delivery? | MDD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Was it single or Multiple birth? | SINMUL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the birth weight of the baby (gms)? | SINWGHT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Is the child alive? | CHLD_ALV_DEAD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in years) | [AGE_DTH_YRS_12] | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in Months) | [AGE_DTH_MNTH_12] | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in Days) | [AGE_DTH_DAYS_12] | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in years) | AGE_DTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the cause of death? | CAUS_DTH | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Baby 1 (gms) | MLWGHT1 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Baby 2 (gms) | MLWGHT2 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Baby 3 (gms) | MLWGHT3 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Baby 4 (gms) | MLWGHT4 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | Are the children alive? | MLCHLD_ALV_DEAD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in years) | ML1_AGEDTH_YRS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in months) | ML1_AGEDTH_MNTH | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the cause of death? | ML1_CAUSDTH | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in years) | ML2_AGEDTH_YRS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in months) | ML2_AGEDTH_MNTH | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the cause of death? | ML2_CAUSDTH | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in years) | ML3_AGEDTH_YRS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in months) | ML3_AGEDTH_MNTH | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the cause of death? | ML3_CAUSDTH | CHAR | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in years) | ML4_AGEDTH_YRS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the age at death? (in months) | ML4_AGEDTH_MNTH | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20 weeks | Annexure-I (to be filled if there is a previous history of pregnancy) | What was the cause of death? | ML4_CAUSDTH | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Where is data collected? | DC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Visit Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) | VDT_FUP | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Time in 24 hrs | VTM_FUP | TIME | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Number of scheduled follow up visit | NUM_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Period of Gestation (POG) at the time of event Ð in weeksÊ | POGW_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | What was the Period of Gestation (POG) at the time of event Ð in days | POGD_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did you have bleeding from the vagina? | BLED_VAG_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Was the bleeding associated with abdominal pain? | BLDVAG_ABDPN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did the bleeding last for longer than one day? | BLDVAG_TM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did the bleeding wet your clothes, the bed or floor? | BLDVAG_WTCLOTH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Was the blood bright red or dark red? | BLDVAG_RED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did you lose consciousness because of bleeding? | BLDVAG_UNCONS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did/ do you have any abnormal discharge from the vagina | DISC_VAG_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | For how long have you had the discharge? | DIS_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Odour | DISVAG_ODR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Abdominal pain | DISVAG_ABDPN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Itching | DISVAG_ITCH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Soreness | DISVAG_SORE_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Pain on passing urine | DISVAG_PN_URN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Fever | FVR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | What was the appearance of the \ndischarge? | DIS_APP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Have you had sexual contact since your last visit? | SEX_CONT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes- when did you last have sexual contact? | SEX_LAST | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Is there history of fever? | FVR_HIS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Is the fever documented? | FVRDOC_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes for how long did/do you have the fever? (In days) | FVR_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Have you had rash anywhere on your body? | RASH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes for how long did/do you have \nthe rash? (in days) | RASH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Have you had cough? | COUGH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes for how long did/do you have the cough (In days) | COUGH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Have you had diarrhea (i.e., more frequent or liquid stools than usual)? | DIARR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes for how long did/do you have the diarrhea? (In days) | DIARR_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Have you had bleeding from gums? | GUM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes for how long did/do you have the bleeding from gums? (In days) | GUM_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Has there been any burning during passage of urine | BURN_URIN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Has there been an increase in the frequency of urination? | FREQ_URIN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Has there been any change in the amount of urine you pass daily? | AMNT_URIN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Has there been presence of blood in the urine? | BLOOD_URIN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Has there been any sudden urge to pass urine with pain in lower abdomen? | URGE_URIN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Have there been chills/sweats associated with theurinary symptoms? | CHIL_SWE_URN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If you had any of the above urinary symptoms (3.9-3.14) for how long did/do you have them (in days) | URN_FUP_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Have you / anyone in theÊ family noticed yellowish discoloration of your eyes? | YLW_EYE_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes how long has this discoloration been? (In days) | YLW_EYE_FUP_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Antepartum Haemorrhage | ANT_HAE_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Gestational Hypertension \n\n\n\n\n | GEST_HYPER_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Preclampsia | PRCLMP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Eclampsia | ECLMP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Gestational Diabetes Mellitus | GEST_DM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Others | COM_LVISIT_OTHR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If others, specify | COM_LVISIT_OTHR_SP_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did/Do you have swelling on your \nwhole body? | SWLBD_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did/Do you have swelling on your \nface? | SWLFC_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did/Do you have swelling on \nyour hands? | SWLHND_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did /Do you have swelling on \nyour ankles? | SWLANK_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did/Do you have swelling on any \nother joints? | SWLANY_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If you have/ had swelling anywhere \nelse in the body please specify | SWLANY_OTH_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If you have history of swelling any \nwhere in the body, for how long did you \nhave the swelling? (in days) | SWLANY_DAYS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did/Do you have blurring of vision? | BURN_VIS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes for how long did you \nhave the blurring of vision? (in days | BURN_VIS_DAYS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did/Do you have severe \nheadache? | HEADACHE_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes for how long? (in days) | HEADACHE_DAYS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did/Do you have convulsions? | CONVUL_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes, for how long have you \nhad convulsions? (in days) | CONVUL_DAYS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Have you ever become unconscious \nbecause of the convulsions? | CONVUL_UNCO_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did/Do you have blood in vomitus? | BLD_VOM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes for how long? (in days | BLD_VOM_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Were you told by doctor that you \nhad high blood pressure? | HIGH_BP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did/Do you seek care for any of your \nproblems? | SEEK_ANY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes where do you usually\nseek medical care | SEEK_MED_CARE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | please specify details | MED_CARE_SPE1 | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If more than one hospital, \nplease specify | MED_CARE_SPE2 | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Malaria | MLR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Dengue Fever | DNGU_FVR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Acute Gastroenteritis | ACT_GASTRO_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Tuberculosis | TB_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | TORCH complex of Infections | TORCH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Specify which TORCH infection | TORCH_SPE_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Varicella zoster (Chicken Pox | VAR_ZOS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Upper Respiratory Tract Infection | URTI_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Lower Respiratory Tract Infection | LRTI_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Urinary Tract Infection | UTI_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | HIV | HIV_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Periodontal Disease | PRDNTL_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Bacterial Vaginosis | BCTRL_VAG_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Hepatitis | HEP_TIS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Specify the type of hepatitis | HEP_TIS_SPE_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Rheumatic fever | RHE_FEVER | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Others | ACU_INF_OTHR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If others, specify | ACU_INF_OTHR_SPE_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Hypertension | HYPER_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Diabetes | DIABETES_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Hypothyroidism | HYPOTHY_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Hyperthyroidism | HYPRTHY_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Anemia | ANAEMIA_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Asthma | ASTHMA_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Cardiac disorders | CARD_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Malignancy | MIGNCY_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Epilepsy | EPLSY_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Autoimmune disorders | AUTO_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Others | CHRO_COND_OTHR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If others, specify | CHRO_COND_OTHR_SP_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Depressive disorders | DEPDIS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Anxiety disorders | ANXDIS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Stress disorder | STRDIS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Others | PSYC_ILL_OTHR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If others specify | PSYC_ILL_OTHR_SP_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Myomectomy | MYOM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Cone biopsy | CONBIO_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Loop excision (LEEP) | LEEP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Removal of septum | REM_SEP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Cervical cerclage | CERV_CERC_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Others | SURG_OTHR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If others specify | SURG_OTHR_SP_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Have you suffered from any injury or \naccident during your current pregnancy \nsince your last visit? | ACCIDENT_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Have you received blood transfusion \nsince your last visit | BLOOS_TRANS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If Q10=01 \nIs there any documented evidence \nof blood transfusion | BLOOS_TRANS_DOC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | What best describes your smoking \nhistory? | SMOK_HIS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Which of these types of \ntobacco you smoke? | TOB_TYP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Please specify other | TOB_TYP_SP_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | How many times do you \nsmoke in a day? | SMOK_DAY_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Do you live with people in an enclosed \ncompound/room who smoke in your presence | SMOK_PRS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Have you ever sniffed/chewed \ntobacco? | TAB_CHEW_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | How many times do you chew \ntobacco in a day? | TAB_CHEW_DAY_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Do you drink alcohol? | ALCH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Which type of alcohol do you \nconsume? | ALCH_TYP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | specify type of alcohol | ALCH_TYP_SP_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | On average, how much amount of \nalcohol per week have you had?(ml) | ALCH_AMT_WK_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Do you have any other \naddiction/habit of any substance abuse? | OTH_ADD_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | If yes, specify | OTH_ADD_SP_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Weight at current antenatal visit \n(kg) | WGHT_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Body Mass Index (BMI) | BMI_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | POG as assessed by fundal \nheight (by doing a clinical \nexamination) | POG_FUN_HIGH_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Abdominal girth (in cms taken \nat the umbilicus) | ABD_GIRTH_CMS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Abdominal girth (in inches\ntaken at the umbilicus) | ABD_GIRTH_INCH_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | First measurement (cms) | FIR_MEA_CMS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Second measurement (cms) | SEC_MEA_CMS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Pulse (Beats/min) | PULSE_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Blood Pressure (mm/Hg) systolic | BP_SYS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Blood Pressure (mm/Hg) dystolic | BP_DIA_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Blood Pressure (mm/Hg) dystolic | REP_BP_SYS_FUP | NaN | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Repeat BP after 6hrs (if \nthe first BP was >140/90) | REP_BP_DIA_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Temperature (¡F) | TEMP_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Pedal Edema | PED_EDEM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Pallor | PALLOR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Icterus | ICTERUS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Cyanosis | CYAN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Urine proteins | URN_PROT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Hemoglobin | HEMO_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Is there a history of taking drugs during current pregnancy (since your last visit)? | HEIS_DRG_VACC_PRG_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Is there a history of receiving any vaccines during current \npregnancy since your last visit | HIS_VACC_DRG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did you drink alcohol since the last visit? | ALC_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Are you smoking/ have you smoked since your last visit? | SMOK_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Valvular heart disease | HEART_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Threatened miscarriage/abortion | THRMS_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Did you sniff/chew tobacco since your last visit? | CHEWD_11 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | S.No. | DRG_SN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Name of Drugs | DRG_NAME | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | DURATION\n(DAYS) | DRG_DUR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Ongoing\n | DRG_ONG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Mode of \nadministration | DRG_ADMIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Indications | INDI | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Total daily dose | TOT_DOS_DAY | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | S.No | VACC_SN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Name of Vaccines | VACC_NAME | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks | Follow up Form | Adminstered\nDate/month/year | VACC_ADMIN | DATE/MONTH/YEAR | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Visit Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) | VDT_FUP | DATE | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Time in 24 hrs | VTM_FUP | TIME | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Participant Initals | INIT | CHAR | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | What was the Period of Gestation (POG) at the time of visit Ð in weeksÊ | POGW_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | What was the Period of Gestation (POG) at the time of visit Ð in days | POGD_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | What was the Reason for visit? | RES_VIS | CHAR | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Do/Did you have bleeding from the vagina? | BLED_VAG_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Was the bleeding associated with abdominal pain? | BLDVAG_ABDPN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Did the bleeding last for longer than one day? | BLDVAG_TM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Did the bleeding wet your clothes, the bed or floor? | BLDVAG_WTCLOTH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Was the blood bright red or dark red? | BLDVAG_RED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Did you lose consciousness because of bleeding? | BLDVAG_UNCONS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Do/Did you have any discharge from the vagina? | DISC_VAG_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | For how long have you had the discharge? | DIS_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Odour | DISVAG_ODR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Abdominal pain | DISVAG_ABDPN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Itching | DISVAG_ITCH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Soreness | DISVAG_SORE_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Pain on passing urine | DISVAG_PN_URN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Fever | FVR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | What was the appearance of the \ndischarge? | DIS_APP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Antepartum Haemorrhage | ANT_HAE_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Gestational Hypertension \n\n\n\n\n | GEST_HYPER_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Preclampsia | PRCLMP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Eclampsia | ECLMP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Gestational Diabetes Mellitus | GEST_DM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Others | COM_LVISIT_OTHR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | If others, specify | COM_LVISIT_OTHR_SP_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Have you suffered from any injury or \naccident during your current pregnancy \nsince your last visit? | ACCIDENT_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Have you received blood transfusion \nsince your last visit ? | BLOOS_TRANS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | If Q 05=01 \nIs there any documented evidence \nof blood transfusion? | BLOOS_TRANS_DOC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Did/Do you seek care for any of your \nproblems? | SEEK_ANY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | If yes where do you usually\nseek medical care ? | SEEK_MED_CARE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | 7.1=13/14,15 please specify details | MED_CARE_SPE1 | CHAR | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | If more than one hospital, \nplease specify | MED_CARE_SPE2 | CHAR | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Weight at current antenatal visit \n(kg) | WGHT_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Body Mass Index (BMI) | BMI_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | POG as assessed by fundal \nheight (by doing a clinical \nexamination) | POG_FUN_HIGH_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Abdominal girth (in cms taken \nat the umbilicus) | ABD_GIRTH_CMS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Abdominal girth (in inches\ntaken at the umbilicus) | ABD_GIRTH_INCH_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | First measurement (cms) | FIR_MEA_CMS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Second measurement (cms) | SEC_MEA_CMS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Pulse (Beats/min) | PULSE_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Blood Pressure (mm/Hg) DIASTOLIC | BP_DIA_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Blood Pressure (mm/Hg) SYSTOLIC | BP_SYS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Repeat BP after 6hrs (if \nthe first BP was >140/90) DIASTOLIC | REP_BP_DIA_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Repeat BP after 6hrs (if \nthe first BP was >140/90) SYSTOLIC | REP_BP_SYS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Temperature (¡F) | TEMP_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Pedal Edema | PED_EDEM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Pallor | PALLOR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Icterus | ICTERUS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Cyanosis | CYAN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Urine proteins | URN_PROT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Hemoglobin | HEMO_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Is there a history of taking drugs during current pregnancy (since your last visit)? | HEIS_DRG_VACC_PRG_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Is there a history of receiving any vaccines during current \npregnancy since your last visit ? | HIS_VACC_DRG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | S.No. | DRG_SN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Name of Drugs | DRG_NAME | CHAR | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | DURATION\n(DAYS) | DRG_DUR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Ongoing\n | DRG_ONG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Mode of \nadministration | DRG_ADMIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Indications | INDI | CHAR | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Total daily dose | TOT_DOS_DAY_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | S.No | VACC_SN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Name of Vaccines | VACC_NAME | CHAR | Continuous |
Unscheduled | Clinical data at Unscheduled visit | Adminstered\nDate/month/year | VACC_ADMIN | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Visit Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) | VDT_FUP | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Time in 24 hrs | VTM_FUP | TIME | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Number of scheduled follow up visit | NUM_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did you have bleeding from the vagina? | BLED_VAG_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Was the bleeding associated with abdominal pain? | BLDVAG_ABDPN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did the bleeding last for longer than one day? | BLDVAG_TM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did the bleeding wet your clothes, the bed or floor? | BLDVAG_WTCLOTH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Was the blood bright red or dark red? | BLDVAG_RED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did you lose consciousness because of bleeding? | BLDVAG_UNCONS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did/ do you have any discharge from the vagina | DISC_VAG_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | For how long have you had the discharge? | DIS_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Odour | DISVAG_ODR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Abdominal pain | DISVAG_ABDPN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Itching | DISVAG_ITCH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Soreness | DISVAG_SORE_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Pain on passing urine | DISVAG_PN_URN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Fever | FVR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | What was the appearance of the \ndischarge | DIS_APP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Is there history of fever? | FVR_HIS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | For how long did/do you have the \nfever? (in days) | FVR_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Have you had rash anywhere on \nyour body? | RASH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If yes for how long did/do you have \nthe rash? (in days) | RASH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Have you had cough? | COUGH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If yes for how long did/do you have \nthe cough? (in days) | COUGH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Have you had diarrhoea (i.e. more \nfrequent or liquid stools than usual) | DIARR_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If yes for how long did/do you have \ndiarrhea? (in days) | DIARR_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Have you had bleeding from \ngums? | GUM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If yes for how long did/do you have \nbleeding from the gums? (in days) | GUM_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Has there been any burning during \npassage of urine? | BURN_URIN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Has there been an increase in the\nfrequency of urination? | FREQ_URIN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Has there been any change in the\namount of urine you pass \ndaily? | AMNT_URIN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Has there been presence of blood in\nthe urine? | BLOOD_URIN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Has there been a sudden urge to pass\nurine with pain in lower \nabdomen? | URGE_URIN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Have there been chills/sweats \nassociated with the urinary \nsymptoms? | CHIL_SWE_URN_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If you had any of the above urinary \nsymptoms (1.8-1.13) for how long did/do \nyou have them (in days)\nNote the longest duration of symptoms | URN_FUP_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Have you/anyone in the family noticed \nyellowish discolouration of your eyes? | YLW_EYE_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If yes how long has this \ndiscoloration been? (in days) | YLW_EYE_FUP_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did you have swelling on your \nwhole body? | SWLBD_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did you have swelling on your \nface | SWLFC_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did you have swelling on your \nhands | SWLHND_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did you have swelling on your \nankles? | SWLANK_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did you have swelling on any \nother joints? | SWLANY_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If you have had swelling anywhere \nelse in the body please specify | SWLANY_OTH_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If you have history of swelling any \nwhere in the body, for how long did you \nhave the swelling? (in days)\nNote the longest duration of symptoms\n | SWLANY_DAYS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did you have blurring of vision?. | BLUR_VIS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If yes for how long did you \nhave the blurring of vision? (in days) | BURN_VIS_DAYS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did you have severe headache? | HEADACHE_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If yes for how long? (in days) | HEADACHE_DAYS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did you have convulsions? | CONVUL_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If yes, for how long have you \nhad convulsions? (in days) | CONVUL_DAYS_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Have you ever become unconscious because of\nthe convulsions? | CONVUL_UNCO_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did you have blood in vomitus? | BLD_VOM_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If yes for how long? (in days) | BLD_VOM_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Were you told by doctor that you \nhad high blood pressure? | HIGH_BP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Have you suffered from any injury or \naccident during your current pregnancy since your last visit? | ACCIDENT_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Was any surgery performed to prolong your pregnancy? | PRLBR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Have you ever received blood \ntransfusion since your last visit? | BLOOS_TRANS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | What best describes your smoking history? | SMOK_HIS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Which of these types of tobacco you smoke? | TOB_TYP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If 6.1.1=14, 6.1.2 Please specify other | TOB_TYP_SP_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | How many times do you smoke? | SMOK_DAY_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Do you live with people in an \nenclosed compound/room who smoke \nin your presence? | SMOK_PRS_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Have you ever sniffed/chewed \ntobacco? | TAB_CHEW_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | How many times do you chew \ntobacco in a day? | TAB_CHEW_DAY_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Do you drink alcohol? | ALCH_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Which type of alcohol do you consume?\n | ALCH_TYP_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If Q6.4.1=12, 6.4.2 specify type of alcohol | ALCH_TYP_SP_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | On average, how much amount of \nalcohol per week have you had?(ml) | ALCH_AMT_WK_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Do you have any other \naddiction/habit of any substance \nabuse? | OTH_ADD_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | 6.5.1 If yes, specify | OTH_ADD_SP_FUP | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | Did/do you seek care for any of your problems? | SEEK_ANY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If yes where do you usually seek medical care | SEEK_MED_CARE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If 7.1=13/14, 7.2 please specify details | MED_CARE_SPE1 | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks | Clinical data at follow-up (telephonic) | If 7.1=15, 7.3 please specify details | MED_CARE_SPE2 | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Where is data collected? | DC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Visit Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) | VDT | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Time in 24 hrs | VTM | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the Period of Gestation (POG) at\nthe time of event Weeks | OP_PER_GEST_WKS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the Period of Gestation (POG) at\nthe time of event DAYS | OP_PER_GEST_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the date of the event? | OP_DT_EVENT | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | WHAT WAS THE TIME OF EVENT | OP_TM_EVENT | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Was it an abortion? | OP_ABORT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | If yes, was the abortion spontaneous \nor induced? | OP_ABORT_SPO_IND | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | If induced, was it medically or surgically \ninduced? | OP_IND_MED_SURG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the type of delivery? | OP_TYPE_DELIV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | If not normal, what was the indication? | OP_NOR_IND | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Did the participant have labor\npain/contractions? | OP_PART_LAB_PAIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the date of starting of labour \npain? | OP_DT_LAB_PAIN | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the time when labour pain \nstarted?(hh:mm) | OP_TM_LAB_PAIN | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Was the labor spontaneous or induced | OP_LAB_SPO_IND | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the method of \ninduction? | OP_MTHD_IND | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | If induced by drugs, what were the \ndrugs used? | OP_IND_DRUG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Q6.4.2=14 then specify | OP_OTH_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the reason for induction?]\n(Specify the reason for induction as provided in the source \ndocument) | OP_REAS_IND | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Was the induction clinically \nmandated, clinically discretionary or \nwas there no clinical indication? | OP_IND_CLIN_MAND | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Was the labor augmented? | OP_LAB_AUGM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the method of \naugmentation | OP_MTHD_AUGM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | if drugs were used specify the \nnames of the drugs used | OP_DRG_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the reason for \naugmentation? | OP_REAS_AUG | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Did the water bag break before labor pain \nstarted? | OP_WAT_BAG_BREAK | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the date of rupture ? \n(dd/mm/yyyy) [xx/xx/xxxx] | OP_DT_RUPT | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the time of rupture? \n(Hrs:Min) [xx:xx | OP_TM_RUPT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the POG at the time of \nrupture?(WEEKS) | OP_POG_TM_WEEK | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the POG at the time of \nrupture?(DAYS) | OP_POG_TM_DAY | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | How many hrs before delivery did the \nmembranes rupture? | OP_HR_DEL_MEMB | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What wasthe colouroftheliquor\n(fluid)when the waterbroke? | OP_COLOR_LIQ | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Wasthe liquor (fluid) \nfoul smelling? | OP_LIQ_FOUL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Was there cervical dilatation at the time of \narrivalin the labourroom/admission | OP_CER_DIL_ARR_LAB_ROOM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | If yes, how much was the dilatation | OP_HOW_DIL | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the cervical effacement (in%)\nat the time of admission | OP_CER_EFF | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the outcome of pregnancy? | OP_OUT_PREG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Ifsingleton, is it a livebirth | OP_SING_LIV_BIRTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Did the participant perceive \nmovementsofthebabyin thewomb \nbeforelabourstarted? | OP_PART_MOV_BABY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Did the participant perceive \nmovementsofthebabyin thewomb \nbeforelabourstarted? | OP_PART_LAST_MOV_BABY_TEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the weight of the baby at\nbirth?(kg) | OP_WGHT_BABY | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Is/Wasthebaby IUGR? | OP_BABY_IUGR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Did theplacentacomeoutwithin onehour\nofdelivery? | OP_PLAC_COM_OUT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Wastheplacenta completelydelivered? | OP_PLAC_COMP_DEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the weight of the placenta | OP_WEIG_PLAC | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Weight (kg) | OP_WEIGHT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | BMI | OP_BMI | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | POG as assessed by fundal height (by \ndoing a clinical examination) | OP_POG_FUN_HIGH | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Abdominal girth (in cms taken at the \numbilicus) | OP_ABD_GIRTH_CMS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Abdominal girth (in inches taken at \nthe umbilicus) | OP_ABD_GIRTH_INCH | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | First measurement (cms) | OP_FIRST_MEAS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Second measurement (cms) | OP_SEC_MEAS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Fetal Heart Rate (Beats/min) | OP_FETAL_HR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Where was the delivery conducted? | DELIVERY_STATUS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | What was the place of delivery | HOME_SPECIFY | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Who conducted the delivery? | COND_DEL_TEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | If hospital | HOSP_DETAIL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | If others, specify | OTH_HOSP_SPECIFY | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Pulse (Beats/min) | PHY_PULSE | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Blood Pressure (mm/Hg) | PHY_BP_SYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Blood Pressure (mm/Hg) | PHY_BP_DIA | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Repeat BP after 6hrs (if the \nfirst BP was >140/90) | PHY_REP_BP_SYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Repeat BP after 6hrs (if the \nfirst BP was >140/90) | PHY_REP_BP_DIA | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Temperature (¡F) | PHY_TEMP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Pedal Edema | PHY_PED_EDE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Pallor | PHY_PALLOR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Icterus | PHY_ICTERUS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Cyanosis | PHY_CYANOSIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Urine proteins | PHY_URN_PROT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Haemoglobin | PHY_HB | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Minutes before labour | OP_MNT_BEF_LAB_11_12 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Hours before labour | OP_HRS_BEF_LAB_11_12 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A1 | Days before labour | OP_DAYS_BEF_LAB_11_12 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DATE (DD/MM/YYYY) | VDT | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | TIME | VTM | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DO/DID YOU HAVE BLEEDING FROM THE VAGINA? | OP_BLEED_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | WAS THE BLEEDING ASSOCIATED WITH ABDOMINAL PAIN? | OP_BLEED_ASS_ABD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID THE BLEEDING LAST FOR LONGER THAN ONE DAY? | OP_BLEED_LAST_LONG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID THE BLEEDING WET YOUR CLOTHES, THE BED OR FLOOR? | OP_BLEED_WET_CLOTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | WAS THE BLOOD BRIGHT RED OR DARK RED? | OP_BLOOD_RED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID YOU LOSE CONSCIOUSNESS BECAUSE OF BLEEDING? | OP_LOS_CONS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DO/DID YOU HAVE ANY DISCHARGE FROM THE VAGINA? | OP_DIS_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | FOR HOW LONG HAVE/DID YOU HAVE THE DISCHARGE? (IN DAYS) | OP_DIS_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | FOUL SMELL | OP_FOU_SMELL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ABDOMINAL PAIN | OP_ABD_PAIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ITCHING | OP_ITCH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | FEVERÊ | OP_FEVER | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | SORENESS | OP_SORE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | PAIN ON PASSING URINE | OP_PAIN_PASS_UR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | WHAT WAS THE APPEARANCE OF THE DISCHARGE | OP_APP_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IS THERE HISTORY OF FEVER? | OP_HIS_FEVER | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | WAS/IS THE FEVER DOCUMENTED? | OP_DOC_FEVER | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE FEVER? (IN DAYS) | OP_DAYS_FEVER | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HAVE YOU HAD RASH ANYWHERE ON YOUR BODY? | OP_RASH_BODY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE RASH? (IN DAYS) | OP_RASH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HAVE YOU HAD COUGH? | OP_COUGH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE COUGH? (IN DAYS) | OP_COUGH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HAVE YOU HAD DIARRHOEA (I.E. MORE FREQUENT OR LIQUID STOOLS THAN USUAL) | OP_DIARRH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE DIARRHEA? (IN DAYS) | OP_DIARRH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HAVE YOU HAD BLEEDING FROM GUMS? | OP_BLEED_GUMS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE BLEEDING FROM THE GUMS? (IN DAYS) | OP_BLEED_GUMS_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HAS THERE BEEN ANY BURNING DURING PASSAGE OF URINE? | OP_BURN_PASS_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HAS THERE BEEN AN INCREASE IN THE FREQUENCY OF URINATION? | OP_INC_FREQ_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HAS THERE BEEN ANY CHANGE IN THE AMOUNT OF URINE YOU PASS DAILY? | OP_AMNT_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HAS THERE BEEN PRESENCE OF BLOOD IN THE URINE? | OP_BLOOD_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HAS THERE BEEN A SUDDEN URGE TO PASS URINE WITH PAIN IN LOWER ABDOMEN? | OP_PAIN_URN_LOW_ABD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF YES HOW LONG HAS THIS DISCOLORATION BEEN? (IN DAYS) | OP_YELL_EYE_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ANTEPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE | OP_ANT_HAE | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | GESTATIONAL HYPERTENSION | OP_GEST_HYPER | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | PREECLAMPSIA | OP_PREEC | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ECLAMPSIA | OP_ECLAMP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS | OP_GEST_DIA_MEL | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | OTHERS | OP_OTH1 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF OTHERS, SPECIFY | OP_SPE_OTH1 | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR WHOLE BODY? | OP_SWEL_WHOL_BODY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR FACE? | OP_SWEL_FACE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR HANDS? | OP_SWEL_HAND | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR ANKLES? | OP_SWEL_ANKL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID YOU HAVE SWELLING ON ANY OTHER JOINTS? | OP_SWEL_OTH_JNTS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF YOU HAVE HAD SWELLING ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE BODY, SPECIFY | OP_SWEL_ANY_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID YOU HAVE BLURRING OF VISION? | OP_BULR_VIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF YES, FOR HOW LONG DID YOU HAVE THE BLURRING OF VISION? (IN DAYS) | OP_BULR_VIS_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID YOU HAVE SEVERE HEADACHE? | OP_SEV_HEAD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF YES FOR HOW LONG? (IN DAYS) | OP_ SEV_HEAD_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID YOU HAVE CONVULSIONS? | OP_CONV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF YES, FOR HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD CONVULSIONS? (IN DAYS) | OP_CONV_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HAVE YOU EVER BECOME UNCONSCIOUS BECAUSE OF THE CONVULSIONS? | OP_UNCON_CONV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DID YOU HAVE BLOOD IN VOMITUS? | OP_BLOOD_VOM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF YES, FOR HOW LONG?(IN DAYS) | OP_BLOOD_VOM_DAYS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | WERE YOU TOLD BY DOCTOR THAT YOU HAD HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? | OP_HIGH_BP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | WERE YOU TOLD BY DOCTOR THAT YOU HAD HIGH BLOOD SUGAR | OP_HIGH_BS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HAVE YOU RECEIVED BLOOD TRANSFUSION? | OP_BLOOD_TRANS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF Q 6=01 IS THERE ANY DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE OF BLOOD TRANSFUSION | OP_ BLOOD_TRANS_DOC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | MALARIA | OP_MALARIA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DENGUE FEVER | OP_DENG_FVR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS | OP_ACU_GAST | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | TUBERCULOSIS | OP_TUBE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | TORCH INFECTION | OP_TORCH_INF | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF Q 7.5 IS 01, SPECIFY WHICH TORCH INFECTION | OP_ TORCH_INF_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | VARICELLA ZOSTER (CHICKEN POX) | OP_CHIK_POX | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION | OP_URTI | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION | OP_LRTI | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS | OP_UTI | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HIV | OP_HIV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | PERIODONTAL DISEASE | OP_PER_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS | OP_BACT_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HEPATITIS | OP_HEPA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF Q 7.14 IS 01, SPECIFY WHICH TYPE OF HEPATITIS | OP_TYPE_HEPA | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | RHEUMATIC FEVER | OP_RHE_FVR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | OTHERS | OP_OTH2 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF Q 7.17=01 PLEASE SPECIFY | OP_SPE_OTH2 | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HYPERTENSION | OP_HYPER | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DIABETES | OP_DIABETES | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HYPOTHYROIDISM | OP_HYPO | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HYPERTHYROIDISM | OP_HYP_THY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ANEMIA | OP_ANEMIA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ASTHMA | OP_ASTHMA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | CARDIAC DISORDERS | OP_CARD_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | MALIGNANCY | OP_MALIG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | EPILEPSY | OP_EPIL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS | OP_AUTO_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | OTHERS | OP_OTH3 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF Q 8.11=01THEN SPECIFY | OP_SPE_OTH3 | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS | OP_DEPRE_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ANXIETY DISORDERS | OP_ANX_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | STRESS DISORDER | OP_STRES_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | OTHERS | OP_OTH4 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF Q 9.4=01 THEN SPECIFY | OP_SPE_OTH4 | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | MYOMECTOMY | OP_MYOM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | CONE BIOPSY | OP_CON_BIO | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | LOOP EXCISION (LEEP) | OP_LEEP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | REMOVAL OF SEPTUM | OP_REM_SEP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | CERVICAL CERCLAGE | OP_CER_CERCL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | OTHERS | OP_OTH5 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF OTHERS SPECIFY | OP_SPE_OTH5 | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ARE YOU CURRENTLY SMOKING? | OP_SMOKE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | WHICH OF THESE TYPES OF TOBACCO DO YOU SMOKE? | OP_SMOK_TYPE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF 12.1=14 12.1.1 PLEASE SPECIFY OTHER | OP_SMOK_OTH | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU SMOKE IN A DAY? | OP_SMOK_DAY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ARE YOU CURRENTLY SNIFFING OR CHEWING TOBACCO? | OP_CHEW_TOBAC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU CHEW TOBACCO IN A DAY? | OP_CHEW_TOBAC_DAYS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ARE YOU CURRENTLY DRINKING ALCOHOL? | OP_DRINK_ALCO | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | WHICH TYPE OF ALCOHOL DO YOU CONSUME? | OP_TYPE_ALCO | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF Q14.1=02,14.2 SPECIFY TYPE OF ALCOHOL | OP_SPE_TYPE_ALCO | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ON AVERAGE, HOW MUCH AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL PER WEEK HAVE YOU HAD?(ML) | OP_AMNT_ALCO_WK | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER ADDICTION/HABIT OF ANY SUBSTANCE ABUSE? | OP_ADD_HBT_SUB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | IF YES, SPECIFY. | OP_SPE_OTH6 | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | S.NO | DRG_SN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | NAME OF DRUG | DRG_NAME | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | DURATION (DAYS) | DRG_DUR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ONGOING | DRG_ONG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | MODE OF ADMINISTRATION | DRG_ADMN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | INDICATIONS | INDI | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | TOTAL DAILY DOSE | TOT_DOSE_DAY | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | S.NO | VACC_SN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | NAME OF VACCINES | VACC_NAME | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5A2 | ADMINISTERED | VACC_ADMIN | DATE/TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | Where is data collected? | DC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | DATE(dd/mm/yyyy) | VDT | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | TIME | VTM | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | BABY 1 | ANXII_BABY1 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | BABY 2 | ANXII_BABY2 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | BABY 3 | ANXII_BABY3 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | BABY 4 | ANXII_BABY4 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | MINUTES BEFORE LABOR | ANXII_MNT_BEF_LAB | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | HOURS BEFORE LABOR | ANXII_HR_BEF_LAB | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | 3 DAYS BEFORE LABOR | ANXII_DAYS_BEF_LAB | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | IS/WAS ANY OF THE BABIES IUGR? | ANXII_BABY_IUGR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | IF 3=01 THEN SPECIFY, HOW MANY WERE IUGR? | ANXII_SPE_IGUR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | WHAT IS THE BIRTH WEIGHT OF EACH BABY?(IN KGS:GMS) -ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ BABY 1 | ANXII_WGHT_BABY1 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | ÊÊÊÊ BABY 2 | ANXII_WGHT_BABY2 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | ÊÊÊÊÊ BABY 3 | ANXII_WGHT_BABY3 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Annexure-II outcome | ÊÊÊÊÊÊ BABY 4 | ANXII_WGHT_BABY4 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Visit Date | VDT | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Visit Time | VTM | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Enrolment id | ENRID | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Participant Intials | INIT | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | What was the date of the event? | OP_DT_EVENT | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | What was the time of event? | OP_TM_EVENT | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Was it a live birth? | LIV_BIRTH_TEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Was it a fetal loss? | FET_LOS_TEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | If fetal loss, was it spontaneous as induced? | FET_LOS_SPO_IND_TEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | If induced, was it medically or surgically induced? | FET_LOS_IND_MED_SUR_TEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | What was the type of delivery? | OP_TYPE_DELIV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | If not normal, what was the indication? | OP_NOR_IND | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Did the participant have labor\npain/contractions? | OP_PART_LAB_PAIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | What was the date of starting of labour \npain? | OP_DT_LAB_PAIN | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | What was the time when labour pain \nstarted?(hh:mm) | OP_TM_LAB_PAIN | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Did you visit the hospital with labour pains? | OP_VST_HOS_LAB_PAIN_TEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Did the water bag break before labor pain \nstarted? | OP_WAT_BAG_BREAK | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | What was the date of rupture ? \n(dd/mm/yyyy) [xx/xx/xxxx] | OP_DT_RUPT | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | What was the time of rupture? \n(Hrs:Min) [xx:xx | OP_TM_RUPT | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | How many hrs before delivery did the \nmembranes rupture? | OP_HR_DEL_MEMB | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | What wasthe colour of the liquor\n(fluid) when the waterbroke? | OP_COLOR_LIQ | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Was the liquor (fluid) \nfoul smelling? | OP_LIQ_FOUL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Was single or multiple babies born? | OP_SIN_MUL_TEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Did the perceive \nmovements of the baby in the womb \nbefore labour started? | OP_PART_MOV_BABY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | If not, when did you last feel the baby move? | OP_PART_LAST_MOV_BABY_TEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | What was the weight of the baby at\nbirth?(kg) | OP_WGHT_BABY | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | What was the gender of the baby? | OP_GEN_BABY_TEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Did the placenta come out within one hour\nof delivery? | OP_PLAC_COM_OUT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Where was the delivery conducted? | DELIVERY_STATUS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | If Q.13=12 (Home) Please specify the location | HOME_SPECIFY | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | Who conducted the delivery? | COND_DEL_TEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | If Q.13=11 (Please specify) | HOSP_DETAIL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy (telephonic)_5B1 | If Q.14=13 (Other Hospital) Please specify | OTH_HOSP_SPECIFY | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DATE (DD/MM/YYYY) | VDT | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | TIME | VTM | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DO/DID YOU HAVE BLEEDING FROM THE VAGINA? | OP_BLEED_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | WAS THE BLEEDING ASSOCIATED WITH ABDOMINAL PAIN? | OP_BLEED_ASS_ABD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID THE BLEEDING LAST FOR LONGER THAN ONE DAY? | OP_BLEED_LAST_LONG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID THE BLEEDING WET YOUR CLOTHES, THE BED OR FLOOR? | OP_BLEED_WET_CLOTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | WAS THE BLOOD BRIGHT RED OR DARK RED? | OP_BLOOD_RED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID YOU LOSE CONSCIOUSNESS BECAUSE OF BLEEDING? | OP_LOS_CONS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID YOU HAVE ANY DISCHARGE FROM THE VAGINA? | OP_DIS_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | FOR HOW LONG DID YOU HAVE THE DISCHARGE? (IN DAYS) | OP_DIS_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | FOUL SMELL | OP_FOU_SMELL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | ABDOMINAL PAIN | OP_ABD_PAIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | ITCHING | OP_ITCH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | FEVERÊ | OP_FEVER | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | SORENESS | OP_SORE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | PAIN ON PASSING URINE | OP_PAIN_PASS_UR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | WHAT WAS THE APPEARANCE OF THE DISCHARGE | OP_APP_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | WAS THERE HISTORY OF FEVER? | OP_HIS_FEVER | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE FEVER? (IN DAYS) | OP_DAYS_FEVER | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAVE YOU HAD RASH ANYWHERE ON YOUR BODY? | OP_RASH_BODY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE RASH? (IN DAYS) | OP_RASH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAVE YOU HAD COUGH? | OP_COUGH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE COUGH? (IN DAYS) | OP_COUGH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAVE YOU HAD DIARRHOEA (I.E. MORE FREQUENT OR LIQUID STOOLS THAN USUAL) | OP_DIARRH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE DIARRHEA? (IN DAYS) | OP_DIARRH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAVE YOU HAD BLEEDING FROM GUMS? | OP_BLEED_GUMS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE BLEEDING FROM THE GUMS? (IN DAYS) | OP_BLEED_GUMS_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAS THERE BEEN ANY BURNING DURING PASSAGE OF URINE? | OP_BURN_PASS_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAS THERE BEEN AN INCREASE IN THE FREQUENCY OF URINATION? | OP_INC_FREQ_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAS THERE BEEN ANY CHANGE IN THE AMOUNT OF URINE YOU PASS DAILY? | OP_AMNT_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAS THERE BEEN PRESENCE OF BLOOD IN THE URINE? | OP_BLOOD_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAS THERE BEEN A SUDDEN URGE TO PASS URINE WITH PAIN IN LOWER ABDOMEN? | OP_PAIN_URN_LOW_ABD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF YES HOW LONG HAS THIS DISCOLORATION BEEN? (IN DAYS) | OP_YELL_EYE_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR WHOLE BODY? | OP_SWEL_WHOL_BODY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR FACE? | OP_SWEL_FACE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR HANDS? | OP_SWEL_HAND | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR ANKLES? | OP_SWEL_ANKL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID YOU HAVE SWELLING ON ANY OTHER JOINTS? | OP_SWEL_OTH_JNTS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF YOU HAVE HAD SWELLING ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE BODY, SPECIFY | OP_SWEL_ANY_SPE | CHARACTER | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID YOU HAVE BLURRING OF VISION? | OP_BULR_VIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF YES, FOR HOW LONG DID YOU HAVE THE BLURRING OF VISION? (IN DAYS) | OP_BULR_VIS_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID YOU HAVE SEVERE HEADACHE? | OP_SEV_HEAD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF YES FOR HOW LONG? (IN DAYS) | OP_ SEV_HEAD_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID YOU HAVE CONVULSIONS? | OP_CONV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF YES, FOR HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD CONVULSIONS? (IN DAYS) | OP_CONV_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAVE YOU EVER BECOME UNCONSCIOUS BECAUSE OF THE CONVULSIONS? | OP_UNCON_CONV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DID YOU HAVE BLOOD IN VOMITUS? | OP_BLOOD_VOM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF YES, FOR HOW LONG?(IN DAYS) | OP_BLOOD_VOM_DAYS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | WERE YOU TOLD BY DOCTOR THAT YOU HAD HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? | OP_HIGH_BP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | WERE YOU TOLD BY DOCTOR THAT YOU HAD HIGH BLOOD SUGAR | OP_HIGH_BS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAVE YOU RECEIVED BLOOD TRANSFUSION? | OP_BLOOD_TRANS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | WAS ANY SURGERY PERFORMED TO PROLONG PREGNANCY | OP_SRG_PRO_PREG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAVE YOU SMOKED SINCE LAST ANTENANATAL VISIT ? | OP_SMOK_ANTL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | WHICH OF THESE TYPES OF TOBACCO DO YOU SMOKE? | OP_SMOK_TYPE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF 8.1=14 ,8.1.1 PLEASE SPECIFY OTHER | OP_SMOK_OTH | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HOW MANY TIMES DO/DID YOU SMOKE ? | OP_SMOK_TIME | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HOW YOU CHEWED TABACCO SINCE YOUR LAST ANTENTIAL VISIT | OP_CHEW_TOBAC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU CHEW TOBACCO ? | OP_CHEW_TOBAC_TIME | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | HAVE YOU HAD ALCOHOL SINCE LAST VISIT? | OP_ALCO_VST | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | WHICH TYPE OF ALCOHOL DO /DIDYOU CONSUME? | OP_TYPE_ALCO | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF Q10.1=12,10.2 SPECIFY TYPE OF ALCOHOL | OP_SPE_TYPE_ALCO | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | ON AVERAGE, HOW MUCH AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL PER WEEK HAVE YOU HAD?(ML) | OP_AMNT_ALCO_WK | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER ADDICTION/HABIT OF ANY SUBSTANCE ABUSE? | OP_ADD_HBT_SUB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Outcome of pregnancy_5B2 | IF YES, SPECIFY. | OP_SPE_OTH | CHAR | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | Visit date (dd/mmm/yyyy) | VDT_REF | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | Visit Time (24 hours) | VTM_REF | TIME | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | Followup visit id | FUPID | CHARACTER | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | Has the participant been advised to another hospital? | ADV_REF | NUMBERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | What is the reason for referral? | REA_REF | CHARACTER | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | Is it safdarjung hospital? | SJH_REF | NUMBERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | If Q no 3.1 = 02 What is the name of other hospital | OTH_REF | CHARACTER | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | What is the address of other hospital? | ADD_REF | CHARACTER | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | Did the participant refuse referral? | R_REF | NUMBERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | If Q4 = 01 then give the reason for refusal | REA_REF1 | CHARACTER | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form to be filled at SJH (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | Visit date | VDT | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form to be filled at SJH (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | Visit Time | VTM | TIME | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form to be filled at SJH (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | What advice was the participant given at SJH? | ADV_SJH | CHARACTER | Continuous |
18-20weeks, 26-28weeks, 30-32weeks, 35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | Refferal Form to be filled at SJH (in the case of complication of pregnancy) | What treatment (if required) was the participant given at SJH? | TREAT_SJH | CHARACTER | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | Where is data collected? | DC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DATE (DD/MM/YYYY) | VDT | DATE | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | TIME (IN 24 HRS) | VTM | TIME | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | FOLLOWUP ID | FUPID | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | NUMBER OF SCHEDULED FOLLOW UP VISIT | NUM_SCH_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | WHEN DID YOU DELIVER? | DT_DELIV | DATE | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DID YOU HAVE BLEEDING FROM THE VAGINA? | BLEED_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | FOR HOW LONG DID THE BLEEDING LAST? (DAYS) | BLEED_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | WAS THE BLEEDING ASSOCIATED WITH ABDOMINAL PAIN? | BLEED_ASS_ABD_PAIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DID THE BLEEDING WET YOUR CLOTHES, THE BED OR FLOOR? | BLEED_CLTH_FLOOR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | WAS THE BLOOD BRIGHT RED OR DARK RED? | BLOOD_RED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DID YOU LOSE CONSCIOUSNESS BECAUSE OF BLEEDING? | CONS_BLEED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DO/DID YOU HAVE ANY DISCHARGE FROM THE VAGINA? | DISCH_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | FOR HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD THE DISCHARGE? (IN DAYS) | DISCH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | FOUL SMELL | FOUL_SMELL | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ABDOMINAL PAIN | ABD_PAIN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ITCHING | ITCHING | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | SORENESS | SORENESS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | PAIN ON PASSING URINE | PAIN_PASS_URN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | FEVER | FEVER | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | WHAT WAS THE APPEARANCE OF THE DISCHARGE | APP_DISCH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAVE YOU HAD SEXUAL CONTACT SINCE YOUR LAST VISIT? | SEX_CONT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF YES-WHEN DID YOU LAST HAVE SEXUAL CONTACT? | SEX_CONT_HR_DAY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IS/WAS THERE HISTORY OF FEVER? | FVR_HIST | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IS/WAS THE FEVER DOCUMENTED? | FVR_DOC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE FEVER? (IN DAYS) | FVR_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAVE YOU HAD RASH ANYWHERE ON YOUR BODY? | RASH_BODY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE RASH? (IN DAYS) | RASH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAVE YOU HAD COUGH? | COUGH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE COUGH? (IN DAYS) | COUGH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAVE YOU HAD DIARRHOEA (I.E. MORE FREQUENT OR LIQUID STOOLS THAN USUAL) | DIARRH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE DIARRHEA? (IN DAYS) | DIARRH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAVE YOU HAD BLEEDING FROM GUMS? | BLEED_GUMS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE BLEEDING FROM THE GUMS? (IN DAYS) | BLEED_GUMS_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAS THERE BEEN ANY BURNING DURING PASSAGE OF URINE? | BURN_PASS_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAS THERE BEEN AN INCREASE IN THE FREQUENCY OF URINATION? | FREQ_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAS THERE BEEN ANY CHANGE IN THE AMOUNT OF URINE YOU PASS DAILY? | AMNT_URN_PASS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAS THERE BEEN PRESENCE OF BLOOD IN THE URINE? | PRES_BLOOD_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAS THERE BEEN A SUDDEN URGE TO PASS URINE WITH PAIN IN LOWER ABDOMEN? | PASS_URN_PAIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF YES HOW LONG HAS THIS DISCOLORATION BEEN? (IN DAYS) | DISCOLOR_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | POSTPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE | POST_HAEM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | PUERPERAL SEPSIS | PUER_SEP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | WOUND INFECTION | WOUND_INF | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | MASTITIS | MASTITIS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS/THROMBOEMBOLIC DISEASE | DEEP_VEN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | OTHERS | Q4_OTH1 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF OTHERS, SPECIFY | Q4_SPE_OTH1 | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DID/DO YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR LEGS? | SWEL_LEG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DID/DO YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR THIGHS? | SWEL_THIGH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DID/DO YOU HAVE PAIN IN YOUR LEGS? | PAIN_LEG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DID /DO YOU HAVE PAIN IN YOUR THIGHS? | PAIN_THIGH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DID YOU START BREAST FEEDING YOUR BABY AFTER DELIVERY | BRST_FEED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF YES, AFTER HOW LONG DID YOU FIRST PUT THE BABY TO THE BREAST? (HOUR) | BRST_FEED_HR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF YES, AFTER HOW LONG DID YOU FIRST PUT THE BABY TO THE BREAST? (MINUTES) | BRST_FEED_MNT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF NO, PLEASE SPECIFY THE REASON | BRST_FED_REAS | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DO/DID YOU HAVE BREAST PAIN SINCE DELIVERY? | BRST_PAIN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DO /DID YOU HAVE SWELLING OF BREASTS SINCE DELIVERY | BRST_SWELL | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DID/DO YOU SEEK CARE FOR ANY OF YOUR PROBLEMS? | BRST_ANY_PROB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF YES WHERE DID YOU SEEK MEDICAL CARE | MED_CARE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF 4.15.1 =13/14, 15 PLEASE SPECIFY DETAILS | MED_CARE_SPE1 | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF MORE THAN ONE HOSPITAL, PLEASE SPECIFY | MED_CARE_SPE2 | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | MALARIA | MALARIA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DENGUE FEVER | DENG_FVR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS | ACU_GAST | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | TUBERCULOSIS | TUBE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION | URTI | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION | LRTI | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | URINARY TRACT INFECTION | UTI | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | PERIODONTAL DISEASE | PER_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS | BACT_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HEPATITIS | HEPATITIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF 5.10=01 SPECIFY THE TYPE OF HEPATITIS | SPE_TYPE_HEPA | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | RHEUMATIC FEVER | RHE_FVR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | OTHERS | Q5_OTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF OTHERS, SPECIFY. | Q5_SPE_OTH | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HYPERTENSION | HYPER | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DIABETES | DIABETES | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HYPOTHYROIDISM | HYPO | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HYPERTHYROIDISM | HYPE_THY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ANEMIA | ANEMIA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ASTHMA | ASTHMA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | CARDIAC DISORDER | CARD_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | MALIGNANCY | MALIG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | EPILEPSY | EPILEP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS | AUTO_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | OTHERS | Q6_OTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF OTHERS, SPECIFY | Q6_SPE_OTH | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DEPRESSIVE DISORDER | DEPR_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ANXIETY DISORDER | ANX_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | STRESS DISORDER | STR_DIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | OTHERS | Q7_OTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF OTHER, SPECIFY | Q7_SPE_OTH | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAVE YOU UNDERGONE ANY SURGICAL PROCEDURE SINCE DELIVERY? | SURG_PROC | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF YES, SPECIFY | SURG_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAVE YOU SUFFERED FROM ANY INJURY OR ACCIDENT SINCE YOUR LAST VISIT? | TRAUMA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAVE YOU RECEIVED BLOOD TRANSFUSION SINCE YOUR LAST VISIT? | BLOOD_TRANS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF Q10=01 IS THERE ANY DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE OF BLOOD TRANSFUSION | BLOOD_TRANS_DOC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | WHAT BEST DESCRIBES YOUR SMOKING HISTORY? | SMOK_DESC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | WHICH OF THESE TYPES OF TOBACCO YOU SMOKE? | SMOK_TYPE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF 11.1. 1=14 PLEASE SPECIFY OTHER | Q11_SPE_OTH | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU SMOKE IN A DAY | SMOK_TIME | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HAVE YOU EVER SNIFFED/CHEWED TOBACCO? | SNIF_CHEW_TOB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU CHEW TOBACCO IN A DAY? | CHEW_TIME | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DO YOU DRINK ALCOHOL? | DRINK_ALCOHOL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | WHICH TYPE OF ALCOHOL DO YOU CONSUME? | ALCO_TYPE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF Q11.4.1=02, 11.4.2 SPECIFY TYPE OF ALCOHOL | ALCO_TYPE_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ON AVERAGE, HOW MUCH AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL PER WEEK HAVE YOU HAD?(ML) | ALCO_PER_WK | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER ADDICTION/HABIT OF ANY SUBSTANCE ABUSE? | OTH_ADD_SUB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IF YES, SPECIFY | OTH_ADD_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | WEIGHT OF CURRENT VISIT (KG) | Q13_WEIGHT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) | Q13_BMI | DERIVED VARIABLE | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ABDOMINAL GIRTH (IN CMS TAKEN AT THE UMBILICUS) | ABD_GIRTH_CMS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ABDOMINAL GIRTH (IN INCHES TAKEN AT THE UMBILICUS) | ABD_GIRTH_INCH | DERIVED VARIABLE | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | FIRST MEASUREMENT (CMS) | FST_MEAS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | SECOND MEASUREMENT (CMS) | SEC_MEAS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | PULSE (BEATS/MIN) | Q14_PHY_PULSE | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | BLOOD PRESSURE (M/HG) | BP_SYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | BLOOD PRESSURE (M/HG) | BP_DIA | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | REPEAT BP AFTER 6HRS (IF THE FIRST BP WAS ³140/90) | R_BP_SYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | REPEAT BP AFTER 6HRS (IF THE FIRST BP WAS ³140/90) | R_BP_DIA | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | TEMPERATURE (OF) | PHY_TEMP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | PEDAL EDEMA | PHY_PED_EDE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | PALLOR | PHY_PALL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ICTERUS | PHY_ICT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | CYANOSIS | PHY_CYA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | URINE PROTEINS | PHY_URN_PROT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | HEMOGLOBIN (GM%) | HEMO | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IS THERE A HISTORY OF RECEIVING ANY VACCINES (SINCE YOUR LAST VISIT)? | VACC_7A_LV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | IS THERE A HISTORY OF TAKING DRUGS POST PARTUM(SINCE YOUR LAST VISIT)? | DRUG_HIS_LV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | S.NO | DRG_SN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | NAME OF DRUG | DRG_NAME | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | DURATION | DRG_DUR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ONGOING | DRG_ONG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | MODE OF ADMINISTRATION | DRG_ADMIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | INDICATION | INDI | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | TOTAL DAILY DOSE | TOT_DOSE_DAY | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | S.NO | VACC_SN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | NAME OF VACCINES | VACC_NAME | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum | ADMINISTERED DATE | VACC_ADMIN | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Where is data collected? | DC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | DATE(dd/mm/yyyy) | VDT | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | TIME | VTM | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | What was the Period of Gestation \n(weeks) at the time of delivery?\n(As determined by the ultrasound) | POG_TOD_W | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | What was the Period of Gestation \n(days) at the time of delivery?\n(As determined by the ultrasound) | POG_TOD_D | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | What was the date of birth of baby | B_DOB | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Was the baby alive at the time \nof assessment ? \nIf not alive, skip Q7,8,9 &22 | B_ASS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | What is/was the sex of the baby? | B_SEX | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | What was the birth weight ?(in grams) | B_BRTH_WGHT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 1 minute | APG_MIN1 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 5 minute | APG_MIN5 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Neuromuscular Maturity (scale:-1,0,1,2,3,4,5)\n7.1 Posture | NM_POS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 7.2 Square window | NM_SW | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 7.3 Arm recoil | NM_ARM_REC | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 7.4 Popliteal angle | NM_POP_ANG | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 7.5 Scarf sign | NM_SCA | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 7.6 Heel to ear | NM_H_EAR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Physical Maturity (scale:-1,0,1,2,3,4,5)\n8.1 Skin | PM_SKN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 8.2 Lanugo | PM_LAN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 8.3 Plantar surface | PM_PLA | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 8.4 Breast | PM_BR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 8 .5 Eye/ Ear | PM_EYEEAR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 8.6 Genitals (male) | PM_G_M | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 8.7 Genitals (female) | PM_G_F | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 8.8 Total s core | PM_TOT_S | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 8.9 POG (as per ballads score) | PM_POG_W | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 9.1 Head circumference (cm) | ANT_HC_CM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 9.2 Infant length (cm) | ANT_IL_CM | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | At Birth Care10.1 Bag and mask ventilation | BC_BAG_MSK | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 10.2 Birth Defects | BC_B_DEF | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | If yes, please specify | BC_B_DEF_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Newborn Morbities \n11.1 Birth Trauma | NM_BT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 11.2 Hypoglycaemia | NM_HYP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 11.3 Meconium Aspiration | NM_MA | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 11.4 Hypothermia | NM_HYPT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Respiratory Distress\n12.1 RDS | RD_RDS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 12.2 Pneumonia | RD_PNE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 12.3 Transient Tachypnea of New born | RD_TTNB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | CNS Disorders (yes=01,no=02,donÕt know=88)\n13.1 HIE (stage 3=11/stage2=12/stage 1= \n13/None=14) | CNS_HIE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 13.2 Seizures | CNS_SEI | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Systemic Infections | S_INF | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | If yes, Please specify | S_INF_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Hyperbilirubinemia | HYP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Rh isoimmunisation | RH_ISO | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Was the new born admitted to \nintensive care or any special \ncare unit? | NB_INT_C | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | If yes,\nPlease specify the reason for admission | NB_INT_C_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Total amount of days spent in\nintensive care or special care unit (if less \nthan 24hrs please enter 1 day) | TOT_AM_D_INT_C | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Therapy provided \n | TP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | \n18.1 IV fluids | TP_IV_FLU | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | 18.2 CPAP | TP_CPAP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | IMV | TP_IMV | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Surfactant | TP_SUR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Antibiotic(s) | TP_ANT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | IF YES SPECIFY | TP_ANT_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | OTHERS | OTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | If others specify, | OTH_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | WHAT WAS THE OUTCOME OF NEW BORN | O_CM_NBRN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Neonatal death | NDTH_SPE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Date of death (dd/mm/yy) | NDTH_DOD | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Time of death (24 hrs) | NDTH_DOT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Causes of neonatal death \n Asphyxia | CND_ASP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Infection | CND_INF | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Prematurity | CND_PRE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Birth defects | CND_BD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Others | CND_OTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | If others, specify | CND_OTH_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | What was the main mode of feeding in 24 \nhrs prior to hospital discharge? | M_MD_FEE_24H_DS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | New born | Comments (if any): | COM | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DATE (DD/MM/YYYY) | VDT | DATE | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | TIME (IN 24 HRS) | VTM | TIME | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | FOLLOWUP ID | FUPID | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | Scheduled follow up visit for which data is being collected | NUM_SCH_FUP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DO/DID YOU HAVE ANY DISCHARGE FROM THE VAGINA? | DISCH_VAG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | FOR HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD THE DISCHARGE? (IN DAYS) | DISCH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | FOUL SMELL | FOUL_SMELL | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | ABDOMINAL PAIN | ABD_PAIN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | ITCHING | ITCHING | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | SORENESS | SORENESS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | PAIN ON PASSING URINE | PAIN_PASS_URN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | FEVER | FEVER | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | WHAT WAS THE APPEARANCE OF THE DISCHARGE | APP_DISCH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IS/WAS THERE HISTORY OF FEVER? | FVR_HIST | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE FEVER? (IN DAYS) | FVR_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAVE YOU HAD RASH ANYWHERE ON YOUR BODY? | RASH_BODY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE RASH? (IN DAYS) | RASH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAVE YOU HAD COUGH? | COUGH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE THE COUGH? (IN DAYS) | COUGH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAVE YOU HAD DIARRHOEA (I.E. MORE FREQUENT OR LIQUID STOOLS THAN USUAL) | DIARRH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE DIARRHEA? (IN DAYS) | DIARRH_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAVE YOU HAD BLEEDING FROM GUMS? | BLEED_GUMS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF YES FOR HOW LONG DID/DO YOU HAVE BLEEDING FROM THE GUMS? (IN DAYS) | BLEED_GUMS_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAS THERE BEEN ANY BURNING DURING PASSAGE OF URINE? | BURN_PASS_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAS THERE BEEN AN INCREASE IN THE FREQUENCY OF URINATION? | FREQ_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAS THERE BEEN ANY CHANGE IN THE AMOUNT OF URINE YOU PASS DAILY? | AMNT_URN_PASS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAS THERE BEEN PRESENCE OF BLOOD IN THE URINE? | PRES_BLOOD_URN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAS THERE BEEN A SUDDEN URGE TO PASS URINE WITH PAIN IN LOWER ABDOMEN? | PASS_URN_PAIN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAVE THERE BEEN CHILLS/SWEATS ASSOCIATED WITH THE URINARY SYMPTOMS? | CHIL_SWT_URN_SYMP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | 2.13 If you had any of the above urinary symptoms (2.7-2.12) for how long did/do you have them (in days) | LONG_DUR_SYMP | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | Note the longest duration of symptoms | YELL_EYES | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF YES HOW LONG HAS THIS DISCOLORATION BEEN? (IN DAYS) | DISCOLOR_DAYS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DID/DO YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR LEGS? | SWEL_LEG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DID/DO YOU HAVE SWELLING ON YOUR THIGHS? | SWEL_THIGH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DID/DO YOU HAVE PAIN IN YOUR LEGS? | PAIN_LEG | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DID /DO YOU HAVE PAIN IN YOUR THIGHS? | PAIN_THIGH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DID YOU START BREAST FEEDING YOUR BABY AFTER DELIVERY | BRST_FEED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF YES, AFTER HOW LONG DID YOU FIRST PUT THE BABY TO THE BREAST? (HOUR) | BRST_FEED_HR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF YES, AFTER HOW LONG DID YOU FIRST PUT THE BABY TO THE BREAST? (MINUTES) | BRST_FEED_MNT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF NO, PLEASE SPECIFY THE REASON | BRST_FED_REAS | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DO/DID YOU HAVE BREAST PAIN SINCE DELIVERY? | BRST_PAIN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DO /DID YOU HAVE SWELLING OF BREASTS SINCE DELIVERY | BRST_SWELL | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DID/DO YOU SEEK CARE FOR ANY OF YOUR PROBLEMS? | BRST_ANY_PROB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF YES WHERE DID YOU SEEK MEDICAL CARE | MED_CARE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF 4.15.1 =13/14, 15 PLEASE SPECIFY DETAILS | MED_CARE_SPE1 | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF MORE THAN ONE HOSPITAL, PLEASE SPECIFY | MED_CARE_SPE2 | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAVE YOU RECEIVED BLOOD TRANSFUSION SINCE YOUR LAST VISIT? | BLOOD_TRANS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF Q10=01 IS THERE ANY DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE OF BLOOD TRANSFUSION | BLOOD_TRANS_DOC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | WHAT BEST DESCRIBES YOUR SMOKING HISTORY? | SMOK_DESC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | WHICH OF THESE TYPES OF TOBACCO YOU SMOKE? | SMOK_TYPE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | If 5.1. 1=14 Please specify other | Q5_SPE_OTH | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU SMOKE IN A DAY | SMOK_TIME | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DO YOU LIVE WITH PEOPLE IN AN ENCLOSED COMPOUND/ROOM WHO SMOKE IN YOUR PRESENCE? | SMOK_PRES | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HAVE YOU EVER SNIFFED/CHEWED TOBACCO? | SNIF_CHEW_TOB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU CHEW TOBACCO IN A DAY? | CHEW_TIME | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DO YOU DRINK ALCOHOL? | DRINK_ALCOHOL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | WHICH TYPE OF ALCOHOL DO YOU CONSUME? | ALCO_TYPE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | If Q5.4.1=02, 5.4.2 specify type of alcohol | ALCO_TYPE_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | ON AVERAGE, HOW MUCH AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL PER WEEK HAVE YOU HAD?(ML) | ALCO_PER_WK | NUMERIC | Continuous |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER ADDICTION/HABIT OF ANY SUBSTANCE ABUSE? | OTH_ADD_SUB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
42 days after Pregnancy_outcome | Postpartum (telphonic) | IF YES, SPECIFY | OTH_ADD_SPE | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | DATE (DD/MM/YYYY) | VDT_IAF | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | TIME (IN 24 HRS) | VTM_IAF | TIME | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | INFORMATION GIVEN BY | INF_GIV | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | RELATION WITH INFANT | REAL_INF | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | PLACE OF FOLLOW-UP | PLA_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | IS THE BABY ALIVE? | BABY_ALIVE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | IS THE BABY DOING WELL? | BABY_WELL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | HAS THE BABY BEEN ILL SINCE BIRTH? | BABY_ILL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | FEVER | FVR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | COUGH | COUGH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | RUNNING NOSE | RUN_NOSE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING | DIF_BREATH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | CYANOSIS (BLUISH DISCOLORATION OF SKIN OR TONGUE) | CYANOSIS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | LETHARGY | LETHARGY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | SKIN PUSTULES | SKIN_PUST | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | REDNESS OR DRAINING PUS FROM UMBILICUS | RED_DRAIN_PUS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | DIARRHEA | DIARR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | VOMITING | VOMITING | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | NOT FEEDING WELL | NOT_FED_WELL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | OTHERS | OTH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | IF OTHERS, SPECIFY | BABY_OTH_SPEC | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | WAS THE BABY TAKEN TO A DOCTOR FOR REASONS OTHER THAN IMMUNIZATION? | REAS_DOC_IMM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 2.3.1 IF YES, WHAT WAS THE REASON? | REAS | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 2.3.2 DID THE BABY FELL SICK AND REQUIRE MEDICAL CONSULTATION MORE THAN ONE TIME? | MED_CONSUL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 2.4 WAS THE BABY HOSPITALIZED EVER SINCE BIRTH TILL TODAY? | BABY_HOSP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 2.4.1 IF YES, HOW MANY TIMES? | BABY_HOSP_TIME | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 2.4.2 DATE OF ADMISSION | DT_ADM | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 2.4.3 DATE OF DISCHARGE | DT_DISC | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 2.4.4 PLACE OF ADMISSION | PLAC_ADM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | IF OTHERS, PLEASE SPECIFY | PLACE_OTH_SP | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 2.5 WHAT WAS THE REASON FOR HOSPITALISATION? | REAS_HOSP | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | BCG | DT_BCG | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | OPV-0 | DT_OPV0 | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | HEPATITIS B-1 | DT_HEPATITIS1 | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | DPT-1 | DT_DPT | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | HEPATITIS B-2 | DT_HEPATITIS2 | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | OPV-1 | DT_OPV1 | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | IPV-1 | DT_IPV1 | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | ROTAVIRUS VACCINE -1 | DT_ROTA_VACC1 | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | DPT-2 | DT_DPT2 | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | HEPATITIS B-3 | DT_HEPATITIS3 | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | OPV-2 | DT_OPV2 | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | IPV-2 | DT_IPV2 | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | ROTAVIRUS VACCINE -2 | DT_ROTA_VACC2 | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.1 WHAT IS THE BABY BEING FED? | BABY_FED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.1.1 IF OTHERS, SPECIFY | BABY_FED_SPEC | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.1.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_COM1 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.1.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_COM2 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.1.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_COM3 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.1.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_COM4 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.1.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_COM5 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.1.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_COM6 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.2 HOW IS THE BABY BEING FED? | BABY_FED_DETAIL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.2.1 IF OTHERS, SPECIFY | BABY_FED_DETAIL_SPEC | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.2.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_DETAIL_COM1 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.2.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_DETAIL_COM2 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.2.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_DETAIL_COM3 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.2.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_DETAIL_COM4 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.2.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_DETAIL_COM5 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.2.2 IF COMBINATION OF ABOVE, MENTION THE NUMBERS IN THE ORDER OF PREDOMINANCE | BABY_FED_DETAIL_COM6 | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.3 DOES THE BABY PASS URINE 6-8 TIMES IN 24 HRS? | BABY_PASS_URINE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 4.4 DOES THE BABY SLEEP WELL AFTER BREAST FEEDS | BABY_SLEEP_WELL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 5.1 DOES YOUR BABY SMILE AT ITS MOTHER? | BABY_SMILE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 5.2 DOES YOUR BABY TURN ITS HEAD TOWARDS SOUNDS? | BABY_TRUN_HEAD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 5.3 DOES YOUR BABY MAKE COOING SOUND? | BABY_SOUND | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 5.4 DOES YOUR BABY HOLD ITS HEAD UP WHEN LYING ON TUMMY? | BABY_HEAD_TUM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | DID THE BABY RECEIVE ANY MEDICATION SINCE BIRTH | BABY_REC_MED | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | SERIAL NUMBER | SN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | NAME OF MEDICATION | MED_NAME | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | START DATE | START_DT | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | ONGOING | ONG | NEMERIC | Categorical |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | END DATE | END_DT | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 7.1 WEIGHT (IN KG) | ANT_WGHT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 7.2 LENGTH (IN CM) | ANT_LENGTH | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 7.3 HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE (IN CM) | ANT_HC | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 8.1 DATE OF DEATH OF THE INFANT (DD/MM/YYYY) | DT_DEATH_INF | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 8.2 TIME OF DEATH (IN 24 HRS) | TM_DEATH_INF | TIME | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Infants Assessment Form | 8.3 WHAT WAS THE REASON FOR DEATH? | REAS_DEATH_INF | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Annexure III (Infants Assessment Form) | DATE(dd/mm/yyyy) | VDT_AXIII | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Annexure III (Infants Assessment Form) | TIME | VTM_AXIII | TIME | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Annexure III (Infants Assessment Form) | DATE OF ADMISSION(dd/mm/yyyy) | DT_ADM_AXIII | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Annexure III (Infants Assessment Form) | DATE OF DISCHARGE(dd/mm/yyyy) | DT_DISC_AXIII | DATE | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Annexure III (Infants Assessment Form) | PLACE OF ADMISSION | ADM_PLACE_AXIII | NUMERIC | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Annexure III (Infants Assessment Form) | IF OTHES PlEASE SPECIFY | OTH_SPEC_AXIII | CHAR | Continuous |
45 days after outcome | Annexure III (Infants Assessment Form) | WHAT WAS THE REASON FOR HOSPITALIZATION | REAS_HOSP_AXIII | CHAR | Continuous |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | DATE(dd/mm/yyyy) | VDT | DATE | Continuous |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | TIME | VTM | TIME | Continuous |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | Was the study \ncompleted? | STD_COM | NUMERIC | Categorical |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | Was it not completed \ndue to maternal death? | C_MD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | What was the date of \ndeath? | DTH_DT | DATE | Continuous |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | What was the reason \nof death? | DTH_R | CHAR | Continuous |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | Was the consent \nwithdrawn? | C_WDN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | What was the date of \nwithdrawal | DT_WTH | DATE | Continuous |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | What was the reason \nfor withdrawal? | R_WTH | CHAR | Continuous |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | Was there loss to follow \nup? | L_FUP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | What was the date of \nlast follow up visit? | DT_LFUP | DATE | Continuous |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | What was the reason \nfor loss to follow up? | R_LFUP | CHAR | Continuous |
6 month after outcome | End of Study | Comments (if any):- | COM | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | DATE(dd/mm/yyyy) | VDT9 | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | TIME | VTM9 | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | Date when sample (heel prick) is collected | DT_HP_COL9 | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | Time of sampling (Use 24 hr format) | TM_HP_COL9 | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | Birth details (Date of Birth) | DOB9 | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | Time of Birth (Use 24 hr format) | TOB9 | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | Breast feeding initiated | BF_INIT9 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | Colostrum given | COLOSTRUM_GIV9 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | Date of first breast feed | DT_FBF9 | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | Time of first breastfeed (hrs : min) | VT_FBF9 | TIME | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | If breast feed not initiated what has been given to new-born | BF_INIT_NOT9 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | others, specify | BF_INIT_OTHER9 | CHAR | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | Date of first feeding | DT_FF9 | DATE | Continuous |
Pregnancy_outcome | Heel Preek form | Time of first feeding (Use 24 hr format) | TM_FF9 | TIME | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Visit Date (DD/MMM/YYYY) | VDT | Date | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | VISIT Time (in 24 hrs) | TM | Time | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Date of first onset of symptoms & signs | VDT_FIRST_SYMPT | Date | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Fever | FVR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_FVR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Cough | COUGH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_COUGH | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Is your cough productive | COUGH_PROD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_COUGH_PROD | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Sore throat | SORE_THROAT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_SORE_THROAT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Breathlessness | BREATH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_BREATH | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Loss of smell | LOSS_SMELL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_LOSS_SMELL | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Body ache | BODY_ACHE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_BODY_ACHE | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Headache | HEADACHE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_HEADACHE | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Diarrhea | DIAR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_DIAR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Haemoptysis | HAEMPT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_HAEMPT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Runny nose | RUNNY_NOSE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_RUNNY_NOSE | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Fever at evaluation | FVR_EVALUATION | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Any other symptom | OTH_SYMPT | TEXT | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_OTH_SYMPT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | History of visit to wet/seafood market | HIS_WET_SEAFOOD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Close contact with animal/birds | CLOSE_CONT_ANIMAL_BIRDS | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Is the person, a health care worker | HCW | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Role | HCW_ROLE | TEXT | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Place of posting in the hospital | PLAC_POST_HOSP | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | No of Days of exposure | DAYS_EXPOS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Average Duration of expsoure per day(In Hours) | AVG_DUR_EXPOS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Close contact of <6 feet | CLOSE_CONTACT_HCW | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | PPE use | PPE | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Gloves | GLOVES | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Head cover | HEAD_COVER | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Goggles | GOGGLES | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Gown | GOWN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Hazmat suit | HAZMAT_SUIT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Leg cover | LEG_COVER | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Surgical Mask | SURGICAL_MASK | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | N95 mask | N95 | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Face shield | FACE_SHIELD | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Any international travel after 1st December 2019 (If travelled before select as "No") | INTERNAL_TRAVEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Name of the country | NAME_COUNTRY | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | if 5.2=99 (other), specify | OTH_COUNTY_SPEC | TEXT | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Specify the name of place visited | NAME_PLACE_VIST_SPEC | TEXT | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration of stay (in days) | DUR_STAY | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Date of departure | DT_DEPT | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Date of arrival to India | DT_ARRIVAL | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | In case of travel to multiple countries, even transiently (please mention details) | MULT_COUNTRY_DETAIL | TEXT | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | H/o exposure to a confirmed/ suspected case of 2019-n CoV (SARS-CoV -2) | EXPOS_CONFIRM_SUSPECT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | if 5.1 is yes then mention the date | DT_EXPOS_CONFIRM_SUSPECT | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | No of Days of exposure | DUR_EXPOS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Average Duration of exposure per day(In Hours) | AVG_DUR_EXPOS | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Close contact of <6 feet | CLOSE_CONTACT_INTER_TRAVEL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | H/o exposure to any person with above symptoms who has further H/o of exposure to a confirmed case of 2019 ÐnCoV (SARS-CoV-2) | EXPOS_SARS_COV_SYMPT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | if 5.9 is yes, then mention the date | DT_EXPOS_SARS_COV_SYMPT | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | No of Days of exposure | DAYS_EXPOS_SARS_COV_SYMPT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Average Duration of exposure per day(In Hours) | AVG_EXPOS_SARS_COV_SYMPT | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Close contact of <6 feet | CLOSE_CONTACT_EXPOS_SARS_COV_SYMPT | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Hospitalised | HOSPITALISED | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | ICU | ICU | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_ICU | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Oxygen | OXIGEN | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_OXIGEN | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Ventilator | VENTILATOR | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Duration in days | DUR_VENTILATOR | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Death | DEATH | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Hospitalization date | HOSPITALIZATION_DT | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Discharge date | DISCHARGE_DT | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Nasopharyngeal sample (NP) collected | NP_COL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Date of NP sample collection | NP_COL_DT | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Oropharyngeal (OP) sample collected | OP_COL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Date of OP sample collection | OP_COL_DT | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Whole blood collected | WB_COL | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Date of blood sample collection | WB_COL_DT | DATE | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Volume (in ml) | VOL | NUMERIC | Continuous |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Status of the subject | STAT_SUB | NUMERIC | Categorical |
18-20weeks , 26-28weeks,30-32weeks,35-37weeks,outcome,unscheduled | COVID Form | Date of Testing for diagnosis | DT_TEST_DIAG | DATE | Continuous |
<20weeks | Paternal Anthropometry | Where is data collected? | DC | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20weeks | Paternal Anthropometry | DATE(dd/mm/yyyy) | VDT | DATE | Continuous |
<20weeks | Paternal Anthropometry | TIME | VTM | TIME | Continuous |
<20weeks | Paternal Anthropometry | Has the paternal written informed consent \nbeen obtained? | PAT_ANTH_ICF | NUMERIC | Categorical |
<20weeks | Paternal Anthropometry | If consent not given, specify reason | PAT_ANTH_ICF_REAS | CHAR | Continuous |
<20weeks | Paternal Anthropometry | Height (cm) | Pat_anth_height | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20weeks | Paternal Anthropometry | Weight (kg) | Pat_anth_weight | NUMERIC | Continuous |
<20weeks | Paternal Anthropometry | Body Mass Index (BMI) | Pat_anth_bmi | NUMERIC | Continuous |